Tuesday, November 06, 2007

KASAB (Continued)

Aspiration is a hope or desire to achieve some vision or goal. The effective Instructional Coach aspires to achieve goals on both a personal and professional level.

The personal aspirations of an effective coach are:
1. Networking with colleagues
2. Sharing experience
3. Helping a person new to the profession
4. Improving one’s own practice
5. Feeling good about making a difference.

The professional aspirations of an effective coach are:
1. Communicating effective teacher behaviors
2. Assuming a leadership role in the school
3. Increasing opportunities for students to learn
4. Enabling the client to stand on his/her own
5. Adding value to the school and district
What are your aspirations as an Instructional Coach?

Source: Dr. Doug Miller, Program Facilitator, HRD

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