Sunday, March 16, 2008

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is audio or video either viewed live or downloaded for later listening or viewing via the Web; it is available for playback on a computer or mobile device like an Apple iPod or other mp3 player. Think of it as topic-focused radio (or video), on-demand and created by anyone from broadcasting wizards to people just like you and me.

How can podcasting be used in a classroom? Podcasting can be a tool used by teachers to provide enrichment or tutorials for students depending on their needs. As “consumers” of podcasts, students can listen to or watch content at their own speed, when and where they need it. Content-focused podcasts offer an opportunity for review, enrichment, research, and just plain fun. As a “podcast producer,” students can work alone or in groups to produce content and learn about the technology surrounding podcasting.

How can podcasting be used for professional development? Podcasting is a tool used by professional developers to offer “just-in-time” training - when you need the information, you get it. Podcasts offer the opportunity for the teacher to observe other teachers as they model strategies and/or processes. Podcasts communicate the expectations of the organization. Our imagination is the only limit podcasts have in providing opportunities for everyone to learn. Please visit the HRD website and explore the professional development podcasts.

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