Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Monitoring Student Progress

Grading student work is no longer just about giving grades at the end of the quarter. It is about measuring student progress toward essential standards identified by the state. Teachers must use an assessment system that measures students’ academic performance that also includes a process that evaluates the effectiveness of the instruction. After analyzing data to determine each student’s current performance level, the teacher sets learning goals to be achieved within a specific time. Progress toward meeting the student’s goals is measured by comparing expected and actual rates of learning. Based on these measurements, teaching strategies are adjusted as needed.

When student progress is measured in this way, there are benefits for everyone involved. Student learning is accelerated because they are receiving appropriate instruction, teachers make more informed instructional decisions, and student progress is documented for accountability purposes.

Overall, monitoring student progress ensures more efficient and appropriate instructional goals and techniques, resulting in faster attainment of state standards.

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