Thursday, January 08, 2009


I used a technique from The Power of Protocols, at the first meeting of our NESS support group and I think it really helped to set a tone of individual ownership in the process and cooperation in the group.

1. After introductions, and before setting any rules or agenda, group participants into teams of 4 or 5. Ask each team to write down responses to the following prompt: If this support group is the worst experience I have ever had, what will have happened or not happened? [This was really effective. Evidently people were thinking about this!!!]

2. After sufficient time to write the "negatives," ask the participants to write responses to this prompt: If this support group is the best group experience I have ever had, what will have happened or not happened?

3. After members record their responses ask each team to share what they have charted. Discuss the responses and how they should apply to the Support Group meetings.

4. Finally, ask members, “What norms do we need for our group in order to ensure that we have the best experience possible?” Then begin to chart the group norms (ground rules).
Source: Les Baker, South Area Student Services

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