Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Plan Do STUDY Act

In previous articles we examined the steps of PLAN and DO in the continuous improvement process (CIP).
Plan includes:
• Identifying the “Desired State”
• Selecting appropriate “Assessment Tools”
• Measure “Current Reality.”
• Determine Goals and/or measurable objectives

DO includes:
• Identifying possible interventions or solutions
• Implementing the interventions or solutions.

The next step in the continuous improvement process is STUDY. In this step impact is measured to determine if the desired results were achieved, what if anything went wrong, and what was learned. When gathering data during the STUDY stage use the same or focused parts of the assessment tools that were used to determine the clients “Current Reality.” After gathering the data take time to organize and analyze the date then publish or share the findings with the appropriate audience.

Source: Dr. Doug Miller

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