Monday, November 17, 2008


In the book called, “It’s Called Work for a Reason,” Larry Winget explains how Teams do not work. I have been in and heard of many experiences that random grouping of individuals with an assigned task might eventually lead to the completion of that task, yet wonder if the group is functioning as a team or just struggling to get the job done.

From Larry’s book he writes, “Instead of teams, we should create groups of superstar individuals who share a common goal. Then you allow those superstars to exploit their uniqueness in an environment where other superstars are doing the same thing. This mutual respect for the talent of others helps them achieve the common goal faster and allows them to excel as individuals, which is better for their egos. It takes care of the whole “what’s in it for me?” mentality that we all possess, because the individual doesn’t have to share the credit with people who didn’t contribute.”

“Superstars with a common goal must still work together, and happily will if there are other superstars whose talents and abilities they respect. Superstars love working with other superstars who are great at what they do. But this is not teamwork. This is a common goal being accomplished by a group of individuals who have individual tasks, and held accountable for their tasks, and are given credit for accomplishing their tasks.”

How would you describe your team experience to Larry?

Source: Winget, L. (2006). It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your Success Is Your Own Damn Fault. New York: Gotham.

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