Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Instructional Coach and More: A Instructional Coach Study Group

The mission of induction is to support and develop the entire staff in their work, helping all students achieve rigorous standards of learning. An Instructional Coach that uses his/her colleagues’ expertise plays a critical role in accelerating a New Educator’s professional growth and expanding the New Educator’s support network.

In your next Instructional Coach meeting ask your coaches some questions like:
  1. What is Induction?
  2. How is it different from NESS?
  3. If a coach was focused on inducting his/her New Educator into the school's culture, how would that influence a coach's work?
  4. How would an induction focus influence the way a coach works with the faculty?
What did we discuss today that will help a coach and/or new educator be more effective?

The following are some possible responses by Instructional Coach: (Only share one at a time, if the discussion slows.)
  • Include all other staff members of the school community when working with a New Educator
  • Expand support from individual, grade level/departmental, to site involvement and improvement
  • Respect and use the expertise of other teachers and support staff, in the school community
  • Include the New Educator in continuous inquiry and improvement of practice that takes place among effective teachers
  • Plan collaboratively with colleagues
  • Collaborate with your New Educator in developing a coherent long-term plan (beyond the first year) to improve professionally
Source: Dr. Doug Miller

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