Sunday, January 13, 2008


Skill is the ability to do something well. There are several areas in which coaches must have expertise or at best their support for New Educators will be haphazard or erratic. NESS Instructional Coaches have identified the following skills as essential to be an effective coach.

Build a relationship based on trust.
Collect data using formal and informal observation instruments.
Synthesize data from a variety of sources such as observations, lesson plans, grade books, etc. to develop a complete picture of a teacher’s current practice.
Provide feedback as a critical friend.
Listen actively to the new educator, clarifying any needs and acting appropriately.
Communicate the protocols, procedures, belief systems, and expectations of the organization.
Use Action Research or the Continuous Improvement Process to support the growth of a new educator.
Model high yield lessons and expected teacher behaviors.

Source: Dr. Doug Miller, NESS Program Facilitator

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