Sunday, January 13, 2008

Induction, where are we?

Share this question with your administration and Leadership Team

In my school...
o most faculty members have never heard of Induction
o we are beginning to talk about Induction, but no plan currently exists
o an Induction Plan exists, but it was written and is owned by only 1 or 2 people
o we have an Induction Team working on the plan
o the plan has been written by the team and shared with the entire staff
o the entire staff is committed to the plan and there is a process in place for monitoring and refining it

As a Liaison how am I sharing the induction process that supports the growth of my school and not just my new educators?

How am I preparing my Instructional Coaches to be more effective mentoring their New Educator?

What am I doing to model the induction process by preparing my own replacement?

Source: Randall Deich and Joy Rabin, NESS Program Facilitators

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