Wednesday, September 19, 2007


KASAB is an acronym for Knowledge, Aspirations, Skills, Attitudes and Behaviors. Over the next five issues we will identify descriptors for each of these concepts related to coaching and mentoring a New Educator.

Knowledge is facts and information acquired by a person through experience or training. What knowledge does a coach need to effectively mentor a new educator? The following list is not all-inclusive but provides a general idea of the knowledge that effective coaches need to mentor their clients.
1. Schools policies and procedures
2. Lesson design, delivery, follow-up and assessment
3. Who’s who for getting help or resources
4. Tenets of the Effective Schools Program
5. Traits of an effective coach
6. Collecting and disaggregating data
7. Classroom Management Strategies
8. Conferencing with Parents
9. Using the Continuous Improvement Process
10. Using technology and technology resources.

What would you add to the list? Next month coaches will share descriptors for the concept Aspirations.

Source: Dr. Doug Miller, HRD Program Facilitator

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