Thursday, March 01, 2007

Work-Based Learning Leadership

Research shows that organizations that encourage and facilitate a culture of learning among employees outperform those that do not. Designing and maintaining a successful talent development program is the responsibility of the learning leader.

Developing talent is one of the most important initiatives for an organization to undertake. According to the National Center on Education Statistics, most adults learn from their experience on the job rather than in a formal educational setting.

Because many employees never return to school, workplace education often represents the only opportunity for employees to develop new skills and gain new knowledge that can have an impact on their careers. Both in the number of students and in the amount of money spent, workplace learning now dwarfs higher education.

If this is true, “What are we doing at our sites to provide quality staff development for all employees?” “How are we developing our coaches to support our New Teachers?”

Source: http://executiveeducation

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