Thursday, March 01, 2007

Director’s Message

New Teacher Development: A Continuum of Support for the First Three Years

Current research evidences the need for a site-based, systemic, standardized New Teacher development program consisting of a continuum of support for the first three years. Included are comprehensive professional development opportunities and on-site coaching and mentoring support in content and pedagogical practices. This will insure growth, success and currency in the profession for the new teachers resulting in a high new teacher satisfaction level thus increasing retention rates. Broward County Public Schools currently has a site-based, systemic, standardized New Teacher Induction Program that promotes a successful initial classroom experience.

This continuum is an interdepartmental approach to support teachers, consisting of participation by the HRD Department, the Division of Curriculum and Instruction, schools and their administrators and teachers. The three year continuum delineates roles and responsibilities, identifies clear cut expectations for outcomes and includes measures to determine effectiveness. Results are also determined by positively impacting student achievement. Ongoing support and high quality professional development in a new teacher's first three years will enhance and strengthen one's professional teaching practice.

The continuums are currently in draft form following new teacher focus groups, administrator feedback, and district department reviews. A final continuum will be available very soon.

Source: Linda S. Whitehead, Director, Teacher Development/HRD

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