Thursday, February 01, 2007

Writing Measurable Objectives

SMART Objectives:

Examples and non-examples of SMART objectives based on the effective teaching behaviors on the Florida Performance Measurement System (FPMS):
1. Example: New Educator will start each lesson with a brief review of material previously covered.
1. Non-Example: New Educator will review material. This is a non-example because it is not specific. When will the New Educator review - once a day, week, month, or year?

2. Example: New Educator will check student comprehension by asking a student or several students to repeat directions or respond to specific questions based on lesson content.
2. Non-Example: New Educator will check student comprehension. This is a non-example, because it is not measurable. Method for checking comprehension is missing.
See article on page 4: “Clear and Focused: Student Objectives” for more information on writing objectives.

Source: Dr. Doug Miller, NESS Program Facilitator

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