Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Assessing New Educators Needs

I developed a ticket-out for our NESS support meetings.
  • I first ask the NE to write and tell me one thing that is going well for them.
  • Next I ask them to tell me what they need in order to best meet the needs of the students in their classrooms.
  • Last, I ask them what would be a helpful topic for the next meeting, as well as providing a list of possible choices.
This ticket out serves as another way to prevent needs from falling through the cracks and empowers the NE.
Source: Melissa, Liberty Elementary


LaNedra Gaines said...

I love this idea and plan to use it at my next meeting!

Thanks for sharing!

wmishue said...

This is exactly what I am looking for to asses our mentee teachers. Thank you so much.