Coach 1
- The lesson plan was ready to go at the bell
- The teacher explained the directions clearly and asks for questions regarding clarification
- The teacher used specific desist (names) to get students on task
- The teacher gave an excellent suggestion that another student read
- The teacher has good relationship with students but this could be misconstrued as loose discipline
- All students working on warm-up activity when bell sounded
- Teacher talked with a student who had been absent
- Warm-up activity stopped and transitioned to lesson for the day
- Looked for handouts to give to class
- Students began talking
- Found materials and redirected students back to task
- Reviewed material covered yesterday
- Objectives for today were addressed
- Directions given for today’s activity
- Checked student’s comprehension by asking two students to repeat directions
- Students took 4 minutes to transition to reading/activity groups
- Students were redirected back to task
- Which observation provides more detailed data?
- What areas of concern did the first coach reveal? The second coach reveal?
- Which observation provides the best information for writing goals or Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely (SMART) objectives for the new educator?