What if...?
Where would you prefer to teach?
Where would you prefer to teach?
School System A:
• What if a district department made all of the decisions regarding your NESS/Induction support?
• What if the teacher leader coordinating new educator support was omitted from the hiring process?
• What if only new teachers hired before the first day of school were provided a comprehensive orientation experience?
• What if only one coach supported a teacher in need?
• What if teachers met only once a month to listen to other teachers talk?
• What if professional learning was dependent entirely on outside human resources?
• What if participant attendance was the only factor used to assess the effectiveness of professional development?
School System B:
• What if the teachers and leaders at your school made the decisions regarding your NESS/Induction support?
• What if the teacher leader coordinating new educator support was involved in the hiring process?
• What if all teachers new to the school were provided a comprehensive orientation experience?
• What if teams supported teachers in need?
• What if teachers met regularly to study more effective teaching practices?
• What if professional learning utilized the expertise of the school staff?
• What if a continuous improvement process was used to monitor the effectiveness of professional development?